Java Application Hosting

At Togglebox we understand the need to be multilingual in programming languages. We are now partnering with Jelastic whose Java Cloud Hosting platform won the Duke’s Choice Award in 2012 and 2018. The following guide shows you the distinctive features of Jelastic’s Java Cloud Hosting platform.

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Available Java Versions:

The up-to-date list of the releases available via Jelastic’s Software Stack Versions document.

You can choose the preferred version or change it later.
Procedures used to change versions are described in the Java Versions document.

Java Application Servers:

We support a pure Java Engine and the following Java application servers:

The following documentation provides specifics within the Togglebox PaaS:

Java Environment Creation

To host a Java cloud hosting application, you need to create an appropriate environment.

  1. Just open the topology wizard in your Togglebox dashboard
  2. Navigate to the Java language tab
  3. Pick the desired Java application server, databases, and other stacks.
  4. Customize settings (such as cloudlets, disk space, region, etc.)
  5. and click Create.
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These fully isolated containers are located on different hosts for more availability, while isolation eliminates the risks of interfering with one another.

Attach the Public IP address to any of these servers for direct access. If using default settings,  requests will be proxied by Shared Load Balancer.

Java Application Deployment

After environment creation, you can deploy your Java cloud hosting application. Togglebox PaaS automates deployment allowing you to get the project up and running.
The following deployment methods are supported:

  • via the application archive –, and .ear archives
  • from the GIT/SVN remote repository, using the Maven build node
  • using plugins – Ant TaskEclipseIntelliJ IDEAMaven and NetBeansjava hosting

Learn more about the deployment of the Java cloud hosting applications:

Bitbucket instructions are available as well as GIT repositories for managing your projects via Gitblit and WebDAV.

Domains Management

Bind custom domain name to your application’s URL:

  • CNAME redirect if using Shared Load Balancer; is recommended for dev and test environments
  • DNS A Record if using public IP; can handle high traffic load and is suitable for production environments

The swapping domains feature or the SwapExtIps API/CLI method upgrades and modifies your application with zero downtime:best java hosting

Tip: Togglebox PaaS allows using multiple domains to increase its efficiency, usability, and scalability.

Check the examples below:

Automatic Vertical Scaling

With automatic vertical scaling, you specify the maximum limit, and the platform performs automatically.

You never overpay for unused capacities without experiencing a resource shortage.
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Use the appropriate slider to set the vertical scaling limit within the topology wizard:java website hosting

Horizontal Scaling: Manual and Automatic

If a single node is not enough, feel free to scale horizontally.

The newly added nodes are created on the different hardware nodes.
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Use the +/- buttons within the Horizontal Scaling section to set the required number of nodes

The load balancer is added automatically.

Also, you can adjust scaling mode:

  • Stateful – sequentially copies file system of the master container into the new nodes
  • Stateless – simultaneously creates all new nodes from the base image template

Horizontal scaling can also be performed automatically based on the current load on the node, monitored through the tunable triggers.

Go to Settings > Monitoring > Auto Horizontal Scaling section to lower/raise your limit (percentage).

To remain within specific limits the nodes removal/addition process will be called automatically.

There are five different types of resources, which are monitored by triggers:

  • CPU
  • Memory (RAM)
  • Network
  • Disk I/O
  • Disk IOPSjava cloud

The trigger monitors the applicable resource consumption immediately and when usage level  is exceeded, a trigger becomes invoked.

If the load persists, it will be executed, adjusting the number of nodes.

Java Clusterization

Togglebox provides automated session replication between Tomcat and TomEE servers using multicast to gain web application high-availability within the Java cluster.

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Auto-Clustering solution is provided for the GlassFishPayara, and WildFly stacks:

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Database Connection to Java Application

These scalable and fully manageable database servers can be easily installed within the Java environment: provides high-quality Java hosting with improved availability, redundancy, and scalability strengths for your application.