Managed App Hosting

Scalable Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) with Automated Containers

Easily deploy Java, Node.js, PHP, Ruby, Python, .NET applications, Kubernetes, and Docker with custom load balancers and auto-scaling.
Pay-Per-Usage billing lets you set your limits and only pay for what you use. Automated Orchestration lets you focus on growing your business.

Trial Signup Complete!

What’s Next? Please check your email for our Welcome email. The email will contain a link to finalize activation of the trial.
To review how to create your first environment you can find a walkthrough here.

We are here to support you as well, and you can contact us at any time with questions or for direct assistance.

Deploy Apps Fast

Deploy Java, PHP, Ruby, Node.js, .NET and Python applications right from the Jelastic UI using GIT, SVN, Docker, Kubernetes, integrated Maven, ZIP or War archives.

Code-Free Autoscaling

Easily automate scaling vertically and hortizontally with no coding or APIs. Set your limits and only pay for what you use.

One-Click Load Balancers

Deploy fully operational load balancers with just a click of the mouse. Get your application production ready in a fraction of the time.

Powerful SSD Storage

Pure SSD storage provides you with higher performance, and a competitive advantage.

Disaster Recovery

Automatic Daily Backups come standard, along with hassle free peace-of-mind.

24/7 Support

We are always here if you need help. Support Admins are available at all times through Live Chat and Tickets.

Deploy your applications with autoscaling and load balancers in minutes.
Start your Free 14-Day Trial. No Credit Card Required!
Deploy custom stack topologies or choose from over 50+ pre-configured setups in our Marketplace

Cloudlets & Pay-Per-Usage Billing

How it works

Togglebox application hosting containers are divided into granular units called Cloudlets. Each Cloudlet is 128MiB of RAM and 400MHz of CPU.

Your container automatically scales Cloudlets (RAM & CPU) based on your chosen lower and upper limits. The lower limit is your Reserved Cloudlets; You always pay for Reserved Cloudlets. The upper limit is your Dynamic Cloudlets; You only pay for Dynamic Cloudlets if you use them.

Each hour the system measures how many cloudlets are in use and deducts their payment from your account balance. You set your cloudlet limits and only pay for what you actually use.

Why it’s better

The Old Way
Most hosts, including Amazon, Microsoft, Google, make you to pick a plan level and pay for reserving your resources; even while calling themselves Pay-as-you-go. Paying for reserved limits forces you to constantly battle between hitting your limits and over-allocating reserved resources.

The New Way
Our PaaS Containers can scale Cloudlets (RAM & CPU) as needed by your applications, without any downtime, within your predefined limits. You only pay for what you actually use inside the limits, keeping your operating costs ideal and predictable at all times while handling all application loads.

When do I pay?

Accounts are funded by purchasing Credit Packs, starting at $10 USD. Hourly charges are debited from your credit balance each hour.
Optionally, you can setup auto-refills at a custom balance threshold.

See Pay-Per-Usage billing in action without any risk.
Start your Free 14-Day Trial. No Credit Card Required!
Deploy custom stack topologies or choose from over 50+ pre-configured setups in our Marketplace

Automatic Database Clusterization

Database clusterization is is a common roadblock in application scaling. However, it is also central to scalable, and highly available apps.

Typically, creating a functional, fault-tolerant cluster is a very challenging process and a large time investment. However, with our App Hosting Platform you can create auto-scaling database clusters that work out of the box with no coding changes.

database cluster

Easily Deploy Flexible and Efficient Java Applications

tomcat glassfish payara spring boot wildfly

Automate the deployment and scaling of your Java applications. Create production-ready Java application clusters complete with autoscaling and load balancers with just a few clicks. Dynamic resources automatically scale to match your loads, but you only pay for what you actually use. Within a wide variety of software stacks, Togglebox PaaS supports a pure Java Engine and the following Java application servers:

  • GlassFish
  • Jetty
  • Payara
  • Spring Boot
  • Tomcat
  • TomEE
  • Wildfly
  • Custom Apps
  • And More!

Deploy your applications right from our UI

  • Via the application archive – .war, .zip, .jar, and .ear archives
  • From the GIT/SVN remote repository, using the Maven build node
  • Using plugins – Ant Task, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, Maven and NetBeans

What Does It Cost?

Cloudlet Pricing

Reserved Cloudlets Dynamic Cloudlets
/Hour /Month* /Hour /Month*
$0.0016 – $0.0026 $1.17 – $1.90 $0.0018 – $0.0027 $1.31 – $1.97
Reserved Cloudlets
Dynamic Cloudlets
$0.0016 to $0.0026
$1.17 to $1.90
$0.0018 to $0.0027
$1.31 to $1.97

SSD Storage Pricing

$0.000118 /GiB
$0.086 /GiB

SAN Storage Pricing

$0.000205 /GiB
$0.15 /GiB

Public IPs Pricing

$0.0027397 /IPv4
$2 /IPv4

Bandwidth Pricing

2GB /Hour
$0.012 /GiB


* Monthly prices based on 730 hour month1 Cloudlet = 128MiB RAM, 400MHz CPU

Volume Cloudlet Pricing

We offer attractive discounts as your cloudlet volume increases, for both Reserved and Dynamic cloudlets.

Reserved Cloudlets Dynamic Cloudlets
From Hourly Price Avg Month From Hourly Price Avg Month

Common Questions

How am I billed?

Billing is pre-billed by adding credit to your account. Hourly charges are debited from your credit balance.
Credit packs can be purchased starting at $10 USD.

Is Migration Assistance Available?

Yes, we offer migration assistance services at no extra cost. Contact our Sales team for more information.

Do you offer a trial?

Yes! You can try our platform risk free for 14 Days. No credit card is required!

Is the trial restricted?

Yes. There are limits in place for trial accounts for security and to prevent abuse, and some functionality is reserved for Paid accounts.

What is an Environment?

An environment is a collection of containers that work together as a unit.
You can have multiple Environments in your account.

How do I monitor my Cloudlet usage?

You can monitor your usage history from our intuitive UI, and configure email notifications for usage thresholds.

Do I have access to config files and container settings?

Yes, you can manage your containers and access a console right from the UI.

Is this a managed service?

Yes, under the terms of our Statement of Support.

Still have questions? Try a risk-free Demo and deploy your own test environment.
No Credit Card Required!
Deploy custom stack topologies or choose from over 50+ pre-configured setups in our Marketplace